2017-2018 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]
Film and Media Studies
Return to: Departments/Program Areas Laura Kissel, Director
The Film and Media Studies Program is an interdisciplinary program in the College of Arts and Sciences devoted to the critical study of moving image culture—its history, theory, and criticism. The major offers crucial knowledge and analytical skills in our increasingly media-saturated culture, as well as the core strengths of a liberal arts education.
Students who might want to major or minor in film and media studies, or whose course of study would benefit from knowing how to closely analyze audiovisual media (e.g., film, video, digital media), should begin their course work with FAMS 240 . FAMS 300 is also appropriate for entering students, regardless of major, who want more in-depth knowledge of the history of moving image culture. FAMS 110 is designed for non-majors. All of these courses can be used to fulfill general education requirements in the Carolina Core.
For current course offerings and descriptions, and a list of our affiliate faculty, students should consult the Film and Media Studies Program Web site, www.artsandsciences.sc.edu/film.
Programs and Courses
CoursesFilm and Media Studies
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