2017-2018 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]
College of Pharmacy
Stephen Cutler, Dean, University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy
Wayne E. Buff, Senior Associate Dean
Amy Grant, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Diversity
Degree Offered
Pre-Pharmacy students at the University of South Carolina will complete prerequisite (Pre-pharmacy curriculum) studies in order to prepare them for entry into a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program. Pre-Pharmacy at the University of South Carolina is not a degree-seeking major, but instead a course of study to meet the pre-requisites for entry into a PharmD program. Please refer to the USC College of Pharmacy Bulletin website for professional school information. The professional PharmD degree requires six academic years.
Entrance Requirements
In addition to the general requirements for admission to the University, all students admitted to the Pre-Pharmacy and/or professional pharmacy program must meet the following specialized requirements of the College of Pharmacy:
Pre-pharmacy: Any entering freshman student who wishes to pursue a pharmacy degree and who fulfills general requirements for admission to the University will be accepted into the pharmaceutical sciences (pre-pharmacy) program of study. Pre-pharmacy students within the University will be advised by pre-pharmacy advisors.
Grade requirement: All courses in the pre-pharmacy curriculum must be passed with a grade of C or better.
Academic Standing: All pre-pharmacy students are subject to the same regulations regarding scholastic deficiency and academic suspension as defined for undergraduate students by the University.
Other Regulations: Any student seeking an exception to the academic standards may petition the College of Pharmacy; a petition may be approved or denied based on the merits of the individual situation. Information on procedures may be obtained from the Office of the Dean.
Transfer Admission (Pre-Pharmacy)
- Students enrolled in other colleges on the Columbia campus must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and must have at least 12 USC credit hours.
- Students from other USC campuses must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 and must have taken at least 12 USC credit hours. Additionally, students from other USC campuses who have fewer than 30 semester hours must also meet Columbia campus freshman admission requirements.
- Transfer students from other accredited institutions must present a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on all college work taken. Students who have fewer than 30 semester hours of college work must also meet Columbia campus freshman admission requirements.
Programs and Courses
Click the links below to view programs and courses administered by the college.