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2016-2017 Graduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) 
  Feb 06, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]

College of Nursing

Jeannette O. Andrews, Dean
Kathleen LaSala, Associate Dean for Academics
Bernardine Pinto, Associate Dean for Research
Kimberly Glenn, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Stephanie Burgess and DeAnne Messias, Co-Graduate Directors
Stephanie Burgess, Associate Dean for Practice and DNP Program Director


The College of Nursing offers the degrees of Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.), the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.), and the Ph.D. in Nursing Science. Post-Master Certificates of Graduate Study in Advanced Practice Nursing and in Nursing Administration are available. The M.S.N. and DNP degree programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Courses are offered through various distance education formats as well as on the Columbia campus. A computer with broadband Internet capability is required.

The frequency with which courses are offered will depend upon projected enrollments and faculty availability. Students and prospective students should meet with an advisor for the respective program to project a curriculum plan of study.

Graduate students in other divisions of the University may enroll in nonclinical courses in the College of Nursing with the approval of the graduate director of the college and the consent of the course professor.

General Admission Requirements

Regulations governing admission to graduate study in nursing include those established by both The Graduate School and the College of Nursing. Applicants must complete an application to The Graduate School and a College of Nursing supplement. Specific requirements for admission to each of the academic programs in nursing are listed below in that program’s section. The priority application deadline for admission to the PhD program is February 1. The application deadlines for the DNP and MSN programs are October 1 for Spring; March 1 for Summer; and April 1 for Fall.

Financial Aid

Applicants requiring financial assistance should apply to the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before March 1 prior to the summer or fall term in which the applicant intends to begin study. Applications for College of Nursing scholarships should be submitted to the College of Nursing Office of Graduate Studies by February 15 for the following academic year. Applications for federal nurse traineeships should be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies in the College of Nursing prior to July 29. Applications for graduate assistantships are also submitted through the College of Nursing Dean’s Office. Additional information about financial aid is provided on The Graduate School’s Web site.

The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is funded by the Human Resources Services Administration (HRSA) to support educational expenses for nurses in graduate programs seeking a career in nursing education. Eligible applicants must be admitted to the University of South Carolina College of Nursing, enrolled in full-time study for the duration of the loan program, and teach in a nursing education program for four consecutive years following graduation. Applications are submitted through the College of Nursing Office of Graduate Studies.

General Requirements

Residence, credit transfer, length of time allowed to complete the program, and other general requirements for graduate degrees in nursing are the same as those established by The Graduate School, except where otherwise noted.

Academic integrity is expected of all students. Violation will constitute grounds for dismissal.

Current authorization to practice as SC Registered Nurse or possession of an unencumbered license in the state in which clinical practice will occur is required for all graduate clinical courses. The R.N. license must be issued on the basis of the National Council Licensure Examination. Full-time students (9 credit hours or more), graduate assistants, and international students are required to carry health insurance coverage and will be automatically enrolled in the University Plan unless unless comparable alternative health insurance coverage is on file in the Health Insurance Assistance Office at the Thomson Student Health Center. Part-time students are encouraged to carry health insurance throughout the course of their studies and all students must carry professional liability insurance through the College of Nursing, purchased each semester in conjunction with clinical courses at a cost of approximately $50 per course. Maintenance of current CPR certification by the American Heart Association (BLS) is required for enrollment in clinical courses.

In addition to meeting the health requirements of the University, students enrolled in clinical nursing courses are required to provide evidence of annual tuberculosis screening; documentation of positive titers for varicella, rubella, and rubeola; and evidence of immunization against diphtheria and tetanus within the last 10 years. Students shall have on file prior to entry into clinical courses at least one of the following: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) immunization record or antibody titer showing a previous antigen response to HBV. Influenza vaccines may be required by agencies as well. Information on all clinical requirements is available in the College of Nursing Office of Graduate Studies. A current Clinical Requirements Information form must be on file in the College of Nursing Office of Graduate Studies by the required date prior to semesters when students are engaged in clinical practice. Students are not eligible to participate in practice activities at clinical sites until this information is on file.

All students must pass a drug screen and background check.

Practicum Transportation Policy

Students are responsible for transportation to sites for their practicum experiences each semester. It is the obligation of students to provide their own vehicle collision and/or bodily injury liability insurance for their personal vehicles. Neither the College of Nursing nor the University of South Carolina is responsible for any vehicle occurrences.

Academic Progression Policy

The College of Nursing abides by the following academic suspension policy: Graduate students whose cumulative grade point average drops below a 3.00 will be placed on academic probation and allowed one calendar year in which to raise the grade point average to at least 3.00. Students who do not reach a cumulative 3.00 grade point average during the grace period will not be permitted to enroll for further graduate coursework in the program.

Graduate students enrolled in Nurse Practitioner programs at either the master’s or doctoral level must earn a grade of B or higher in designated core and clinical courses. This requirement is indicated on the syllabus for each of the designated courses.

Students earning a grade of C in any designated course are required to repeat the course and earn a grade of B or higher to remain in the program. However, the initial grade of C remains on the student record and counts toward the “Two C Rule” (below).

Graduate students in any program with two temporary grade of incomplete (I) or No Record (NR) cannot register for additional coursework. Students will not be permitted to register for further coursework until both temporary grades have been replaced with satisfactory permanent grades. Students enrolled in graduate study may not graduate with a temporary grade of I or NR on their record, even if the course is not listed on the Program of Study.

Academic Dismissal

Graduate students will be dismissed from tthe College of Nursing upon receipt of any initial grade of C in more than 2 graduate nursing courses, regardless of the number of credit-hours per course. {Two C Rule}. Upon receipt of a grade of “D” or “F” in any graduate course required for the Program of Study, the student will be dismissed from the College of Nursing.

Petitions for reinstatement from students who have been suspended must be submitted to the College of Nursing Director of Student Affairs. If the petition is approved, then it must be forwarded to the Dean of The Graduate School for action by Graduate Council.

Progression in Thesis or Dissertation Work

Satisfactory progress in thesis, DNP project, or dissertation work results in a grade of T; unsatisfactory progress results in a grade of U. The accumulation of two U grades in NURS 799 , NURS 821 , or NURS 899 , regardless of credit hours enrolled, is grounds for dismissal from the program.

Programs and Courses

Click the links below to view programs and courses administered by the college.


