2017-2018 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]
Neuroscience Minor
College of Arts and Sciences Neuroscience Minor
The minor is designed for students going into graduate studies in neuroscience, animal behavior, psychology or medicine and for students simply interested in gaining a better understanding of their own interactions with the world. The minor will provide opportunities to develop a strong background of how the nervous system works from the social and behavioral to the cellular and molecular levels. Beyond core requirements, students may focus on topics of specific interest in the very broad field of neuroscience. Research experience in neuroscience is required.
Students must complete an application and qualify for the neuroscience minor. Applications can be submitted any time after their first year of college (30 credit hours must be completed). Normally, students will be expected to have at least a 3.30 grade point average. Applications will be evaluated by the co-directors of the Neuroscience Minor and they will be judged on overall academic merit. Application forms can be obtained from the Departments of Psychology and Biological Sciences and from the neuroscience minor web page.
Degree Requirements (18 Hours)
Eighteen credit hours are required to satisfy the minor. Students must complete the required three credit Introduction to Neuroscience course and 2-3 credit hours of neuroscience research experience under an independent study number. Additional honors courses or other specialized courses in the neurosciences may also satisfy the minor requirements provided the course substitutions are approved by the co-directors of the neuroscience minor. No more than a total of six credits of independent study credits may count towards the minor.