Dec 26, 2024
2018-2019 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin [Archived Catalog]
Leadership Studies: Group 2 — Communication
- AERO 301 - Air Force Leadership Studies I Credits: 4
- AERO 302 - Air Force Leadership Studies II Credits: 4
- ANTH 355 - Language, Culture, and Society Credits: 3 or
- LING 340 - Language, Culture, and Society Credits: 3
- ANTH 371 - Ethnography of Communication Credits: 3
- ANTH 555 - Language and Gender Credits: 3 or
- LING 541 - Language and Gender Credits: 3 or
- WGST 555 - Language and Gender Credits: 3
- ANTH 556 - Language and Globalization Credits: 3 or
- LING 556 - Language and Globalization Credits: 3
- ANTH 586 - Discourse, Gender and Politics of Emotion Credits: 3 or
- LING 543 - Discourse, Gender, and Politics of Emotion Credits: 3
- ARMY 201 - Fundamentals of Military Leadership Credits: 3
- ARMY 301 - Advanced Military Decision Making Credits: 4
- ENGL 370 - Language in the USA Credits: 3 or
- LING 345 - Language in the USA Credits: 3
- ENGL 455 - Language in Society Credits: 3 or
- LING 440 - Language in Society Credits: 3
- ENGL 462 - Technical Writing Credits: 3
- ENGL 463 - Business Writing Credits: 3
- ITEC 143 - Advanced Business Document Preparation Credits: 3
- JOUR 311 - Minorities, Women, and the Mass Media Credits: 3 or
- WGST 311 - Minorities, Women, and the Mass Media Credits: 3
- JOUR 203 - Principles of Visual Communications Credits: 3
- JOUR 436 - Public Relations Writing Credits: 3
- JOUR 536 - Crisis Communications Credits: 3
- MGMT 250 - Professional Communication Credits: 3
- MGMT 401 - Negotiation and Conflict in the Workplace Credits: 3
- MUSC 100A - Music Advocacy I: Understanding the Power of Your Music
- SCHC 480P - Legal Persuasion
- SPCH 140 - Public Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 201 - Popular Communication and Public Culture Credits: 3
- SPCH 230 - Business and Professional Speaking Credits: 3
- SPCH 330 - Small Group Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 331 - Organizational Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 380 - Persuasive Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 387 - Introduction to Rhetoric Credits: 3 or
- ENGL 387 - Introduction to Rhetoric Credits: 3
- SPCH 464 - Speechwriting Credits: 3