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2018-2019 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin 
  Feb 06, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin [Archived Catalog]

Mechanical Engineering, B.S.E.

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Learning Outcomes

  • The graduates shall have the ability to identify, analyze, design and realize mechanical and thermal systems to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  • The graduates shall have the ability to use contemporary computational techniques and tools.
  • The graduates shall have the competence in design of experiments, experimental practices and data interpretation and their use to identify and solve engineering problems.
  • The graduates shall have the ability to apply mathematics through linear algebra, multivariate calculus and differential equations to formulate and solve engineering problems.
  • The graduates shall have the ability to apply statistical methods to analyze and interpret data to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
  • The graduates shall have an understanding of the chemistry and physics that are fundamental to so they can identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering.
  • The graduate shall have the ability to perform engineering economic analyses.
  • The graduates shall have the ability to plan, schedule, and execute engineering projects. 
  • The graduates shall have effective oral and written communication skills. 
  • The graduates shall have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • The graduates shall have the ability to funciton on multi-disciplinary teams.
  • The graduates shall have an understanding of and the ability to engage in life-long learning. 
  • The graduates shall have an appreciation for the role of engineering in modern society. 
  • The graduates shall have an appreciation for literature, fine arts and humanities. 
  • The graduates shall have the ability in one foreign language to comprehend the topic and main ideas on familiar subjects. 

Degree Requirements (126-138 hours)

See College of Engineering and Computing  for entrance requirements, progression requirements, and special academic opportunities.

  1. Carolina Core (34-46 hours)
  2. Other General Requirements (17 hours)
  3. Lower Division Engineering (21 hours)
  4. Mechanical Engineering Major (42 hours)
  5. Electives (12 hours)

Carolina Core (34-46 hours)

CMW: Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Written Component (6 hours)

ARP: Analytical Reasoning & Problem Solving (8 hours)

GFL: Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (0-8 hours)

  • Score two or better on foreign language placement test; or complete the 109 and 110 courses in FREN, GERM, LATN or SPAN; or complete the 121 course in another foreign language.

GHS: Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (3 hours)

  • Any approved Carolina Core course for GHS

GSS: Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (3 hours)

  • Any approved Carolina Core course for GSS

AIU: Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding (3 hours)

  • Any approved Carolina Core course for AIU

CMS: Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (0-3 hours)*

PHIL 325  or any approved Carolina Core CMS course. 

INF: Information Literacy (0-3 hours)

  • Any approved overlay or stand-alone Carolina Core course for INF

VSR: Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (0-3 hours)*

PHIL 325  or any approved Carolina Core course for VSR. 

*CMS, INF, and VSR credit hours must total 3 or greater.

5. Electives (12 hours)

Mechanical Engineering Electives (9 hours):

Choose from

Free Elective (3 hours):

  • Any course taken at the University or transferred in as a University course that does not essentially duplicate a course otherwise applied to the degree. A list of such courses that cannot be used as a free elective is maintained in the department office. This list includes: ENCP 101, 102, 200, 201, 210, 260, 290, 330, 360, 491, 492;  ECHE 101, 310, 320, 321; ECIV 101, 111, 200, 201, 210, 220, 360; BMEN 101, 211, 260, ELCT 101.

Academic Standards

Program GPA

Program GPA requirement policies are described in the College of Engineering and Computing section of this bulletin. For the purpose of these policies, the following courses are used to determine the Program GPA for the Mechanical Engineering B.S.E. program: All Lower Division Engineering courses, all Mechanical Engineering Major courses, and all courses used to satisfy a Mechanical Engineering Elective.

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