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2018-2019 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
  Feb 06, 2025
2018-2019 Graduate Studies Bulletin [Archived Catalog]

Computer Engineering, Ph.D.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of computer architecture.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of compiler construction.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the theory of computation.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the analysis of algorithms.
  • At the time of graduation a Doctor of Philosophy student should be able to perform research involving computer systems for the solution of problems.
  • At the time of graduation a Doctor of Philosophy student should be able to formulate problems in their research area that are challenging and of wide interest in the area.
  • At the time of graduation a Doctor of Philosophy student should be able to actively contribute to the research in their area.
  • At the time of graduation a Doctor of Philosophy student should be able to communicate effectively about their research in computer science and engineering.

Degree Requirements (60 Post Baccalaureate Hours)

Requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering fall into four categories: course requirements, the qualifying examination, the comprehensive examination, and the dissertation.

2. Computer Engineering Elective (3 hours):

Students must also complete one course from the following list.

3. Dissertation Preparation (12 hours):

4. Advanced CSCE Electives (20 hours):

  • In addition to the above requirements, students must complete 20 hours in CSCE courses numbered 700 or above.

5. Other Electives (15 hours):

  • In addition to the above requirements, students must complete 15 hours of CSCE courses numbered above 500.
  • Graduate level courses from other departments, with approval from Graduate Director, can satisfy this requirement.
  • Students who enter the program with a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering are exempt from this requirement.


Students entering the program without a Masters degree are encouraged to concurrently enroll in and earn an MS in Computer Engineering.

At most 9 hours of CSCE 798  and not more than 12 hours of CSCE 899  may be applied toward the degree. Neither CSCE 797  nor CSCE 799  may be applied toward the degree.

The student’s dissertation committee must approve the program of study, so this committee should be formed as early in a student’s course of study as possible. Prior to admission to candidacy, the student is required to pass a written qualifying examination. This examination is designed to test fundamental knowledge and conceptual understanding of the mainstream areas of computer engineering. The Ph.D. comprehensive examination combines a written and an oral examination and seeks to discover whether the student has a sufficiently deep understanding of topics in the area of interest to carry out the proposed research. The dissertation committee, which also will make the final decision on whether the student has passed, constructs the research component. The oral examination is an in-depth test on the subject matter related to the student’s dissertation topic and written exam. The committee may also examine the student on any other material it deems relevant. After completing the research and writing the dissertation, the student must defend the work in a public presentation.

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