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2017-2018 Graduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) 
  Jul 02, 2024
2017-2018 Graduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


    EDCE 811 - Creative Arts in Counseling

    Credits: 3

    An examination of the history, rationale, theories, research and techniques of using the creative arts in counseling. Particular attention will be given to the therapeutic values or visual and verbal arts.

    Prerequisites: EDCE 510, EDCE 600 or Consent of the Instructor


    EDCE 812 - Counseling Skills Assessment Lab

    Credits: 3

    Emphasis on assessment of counseling skill development and application of theory to practice through supervised work with clients in a laboratory setting in preparation for field-based practicum.

    Prerequisites: consent of instructor

    Note: Meets concurrently with EDCE 813.


    EDCE 813 - Professional Issues in Counseling

    Credits: 3

    Emphasis on ethical issues related to counseling practice, research, writing, and continuing education including assessment and development of professional writing skills.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor

    Note: Meets concurrently with EDCE 812.


    EDCE 820 - Advanced Transcultural Counseling

    Credits: 3

    Advanced principles and practices for transcultural counseling.

    Prerequisites: EDCE 700


    EDCE 822 - Advanced Practicum

    Credits: 3

    Doctoral level supervised counseling experience in field settings relevant to students professional goals.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Ph.D. program in Counselor Education


    EDCE 823 - Advanced Counseling Theory

    Credits: 3

    Emphasis on formulation and evaluation of the theoretical basis for approaches to counseling including, study of historical and contemporary perspectives.

    Prerequisites: EDCE 802 and consent of instructor


    EDCE 825 - Empirical Basis of Counseling

    Credits: 3

    An analysis of the empirical basis of counseling practice and theory with attention to special problems related to counseling research.


    EDCE 830 - Pedagogy in Counselor Education

    Credits: 3

    Examination of pedagogy instructional principles, and evaluation procedures for counselor education in higher education settings.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Ph.D. program in Counselor Education


    EDCE 832 - Practicum in Counseling Supervision

    Credits: 3

    Seminars and directed practice in counseling supervision. Contact department for application deadline.

    Prerequisites: EDCE 822 and 830; internship application must be completed early in the semester preceding enrollment


    EDCE 855 - Internship in Counselor Education

    Credits: 1-3

    Teaching, consultation, counseling, and/or supervision experience is gained in field settings relevant to student’s professional goals; includes clinical supervision and professional development.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Ph.D. program in counselor education


    EDCE 856 - Supervised Internship in Counselor Education - Teaching

    Credits: 3

    Teaching experience is gained in field settings relevant to student’s professional goals; includes supervision of teaching and professional development.

    Prerequisites: EDCE 830

    Note: Restricted to students admitted to the Ph.D. in Counselor Education


    EDCE 879 - Group Counseling Practicum

    Credits: 1-3

    Supervised experience in group counseling. Students may repeat the course for up to a total of 3 credit hours.

    Prerequisites: EDCE 802 or consent of instructor


    EDCE 890 - Independent Study

    Credits: 3


    EDCE 899 - Dissertation Preparation

    Credits: 1-12


    EDCS 625 - Solving Practical Problems in the School Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to current and promising designs and approaches to curriculum development from grades K-12.


    EDCS 690 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-3


    EDCS 710 - Diversity Training for Staff Development

    Credits: 3

    Review of the history, concepts, current techniques, skills, and issues in diversity training as it applies to effective staff development.


    EDCS 720 - Introduction to Diversity and the Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the vast array of differences among children, youth, and adults and the impact of these differences on the curriculum, their learning, and their social and emotional development.


    EDCS 721 - Social Class Diversity and the Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    The interplay of social class diversity, curriculum development, and success in formal schooling. Promising programs and practices for educating children of poverty are critically examined.


    EDCS 722 - Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    A critical examination of theories of race and ethnicity and their impact on the curriculum. The dynamics of dominance, issues of social justice, and means of social action are explored.


    EDCS 723 - Understanding Sexual Diversity in Schools and Other Social Institutions

    Credits: 3

    An examination of issues and concepts relating to sexual diversity as it applies to formal and nonformal educational settings with particular emphasis on curriculum, educational policy, and school practice.


    EDCS 724 - Gender Diversity in Schools and Communities

    Credits: 3

    A study of gender, culture, and power; research and theory from educational psychology, sociology, history, and current feminist scholarship.


    EDCS 725 - Principles of Curriculum Construction

    Credits: 3

    Presentation of methods and procedures to design, develop, implement, and evaluate curricula.


    EDCS 726 - Curriculum Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Study of theory, research, and practice of curriculum leadership as a transformative enterprise with particular focus on embracing diversity and fostering social justice in schools and other social institutions.

    Prerequisites: EDCS 725


    EDCS 727 - Curriculum Issues in Practice

    Credits: 3

    Each student identifies and studies a contemporary curriculum issue pertaining to diversity. Under faculty supervision, observations and interviews in schools and/or community agencies will take place throughout the semester.

    Prerequisites: EDCS 725 or equivalent


    EDCS 728 - Curriculum of Higher Education

    Credits: 3

    A survey of the design and development of post-secondary curriculum.


    EDCS 729 - Organizational Change in Education

    Credits: 3

    Investigation of the process of diffusion and adoption of innovations and change in schools and communities, with a particular emphasis on the inclusion of and impact on diverse populations.


    EDCS 799 - Thesis Preparation

    Credits: 1-9


    EDCS 812 - Principles of Action Research

    Credits: 3

    Introductory analysis, interpretation, and systematic study, using action research methodology, of a significant question or issue related to teaching or administration in K12 schools, higher education, and/or other social institutions.

    Note: Restricted to Ed.D. Curriculum & Instruction students.


    EDCS 813 - Advanced Principles of Action Research

    Credits: 3

    Advanced analysis, interpretation, and systematic study, using action research methodology, of a significant question or issue related to teaching, administration in K12 schools,  higher education, and/or other social institutions.

    Note: Restricted to Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction students.


    EDCS 820 - Advanced Study of Diversity and Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    The formulation and use of interpretive frameworks to study and understand the relationships among human diversity, school structures, and the curriculum.


    EDCS 821 - Curriculum Theory

    Credits: 3

    An advanced curriculum course designed to allow students to investigate and analyze curriculum studies discourse and its application to issues of diversity.


    EDCS 822 - Curriculum Classics: Trends and Issues

    Credits: 3

    The systematic presentation of classic curriculum works as they relate to current theoretical issues in education.


    EDCS 823 - Curriculum Inquiry

    Credits: 3

    Examination of empirical, critical, and phenomenological methods and issues in conducting curriculum research.


    EDCS 824 - Curriculum Seminar

    Credits: 3

    Intensive study of a designated topic influencing curriculum theory and/or practice.


    EDCS 890 - Independent Study

    Credits: 3


    EDCS 899 - Dissertation Preparation

    Credits: 1-12


    EDEC 510 - Parent/Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Principles, practices, and content of family dynamics, including practicum/service learning.


    EDEC 540 - The Young Child: Behavior and Development in Early Childhood

    Credits: 3

    Service-learning and seminar experiences addressing intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development, prenatal through grade three, within an ecological context. Child’s critical thinking, creative expression, and diagnosis/assessment emphasized.


    EDEC 541 - Integrated Early Childhood Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    Integration of content areas within the curriculum emphasizing mathematics and the sciences. Learning activities, materials, and equipment. Multicultural influences and needs of exceptional children addressed.

    Corequisite: EDEC 542, EDEC 544

    Prerequisites: EDEC 310, EDUC 402


    EDEC 546 - Education of Young Children: An Ecological Approach

    Credits: 3

    An ecological study with emphasis on home-school relations, parent involvement, and community resources. Multicultural perspectives and needs of exceptional children addressed.

    Corequisite: EDEC 469


    EDEC 547 - Field Problems: Teaching Mathematics Using Manipulative Materials, Grades K-3

    Credits: 3

    Instructional approaches and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics, grades K-3.


    EDEC 570 - Internship in Environments for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Internship for practice in classrooms appropriate to early childhood education related to curriculum design and assessment.

    Prerequisites: admission to the professional program in early childhood education


    EDEC 591 - Seminar on Teaching in Early Childhood

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of the principles and theories about teaching and learning as they apply to early childhood education in the context of schools in democratic societies.

    Corequisite: EDTE 590A, B, and C

    Prerequisites: admission to internship in early childhood education


    EDEC 608 - Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of programs and practices for involving parents in early childhood educational settings. Emphasizes objectives, methods, techniques, and materials for program development. Community resources for supporting programs for children in various instructional settings.


    EDEC 690 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-3


    EDEC 712 - Practicum in Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    School- and home-based experience with parents. Emphasis upon home-school relationships and their effects upon the young child’s development and learning. Participation with advisory groups, parent activities in the classroom, home visits, and parent-teacher communication. Weekly seminar sessions.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 540 and 608 or 610


    EDEC 740 - The Young Child: Applying Theory and Research

    Credits: 3

    Analysis and discussion of theory and research related to the education of young children. Intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of infants, toddlers, and young children will be examined. Special emphasis on implication for developing early childhood education instructional programs.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 540 and EDPY 705


    EDEC 742 - Advanced Study of Early Childhood Curricula and Program Models

    Credits: 3

    An analysis of early childhood program models and curricula with theoretical orientation, related research, societal needs, and the student’s philosophy of education.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 540, 542, 544


    EDEC 744 - Advanced Study of Language Development and Communication Skills in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Provides classroom teachers with an overview of the development of language and communication skills in children, birth through eight.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 544 or equivalent


    EDEC 745 - Emergent Literacy

    Credits: 3

    Theories of emergent literacy and implications for literacy learning and instruction.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 744


    EDEC 750 - Play Theory and Early Learning

    Credits: 3

    Theory, research, and practice related to the play of young children in various settings.


    EDEC 754 - Studies and Internship I in Teaching Social Studies—Early Childhood

    Credits: 3

    Planning, designing and implementing a developmentally appropriate socio-cultural curriculum for young children, preschool through grade four.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the M.A.T. program


    EDEC 755 - Studies and Internship in Teaching Science

    Credits: 3

    The study and practice of science education for preschool and primary students focusing on appropriate content, goals, and methods.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the M.A.T. program


    EDEC 769A - Internship II: Early Childhood Curriculum and Assessment

    Credits: 4

    Internship for practice in prekindergarten through primary grade classrooms related to curriculum design and assessment, leading to initial certification.

    Corequisite: EDEC 769B, 769C, and 770

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEC 769B - Internship II: Early Childhood Teaching

    Credits: 4

    Internship for practice in prekindergarten through primary grade classrooms related to interactive teaching, leading to initial certification.

    Corequisite: EDEC 769A, 769C, and 770

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEC 769C - Internship II: Early Childhood Professional Roles

    Credits: 4

    Internship for practice in school settings related to professional development, leading to initial certification.

    Corequisite: EDEC 769A, 769B, and 770

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEC 770 - Early Childhood Internship Seminar

    Credits: 3

    Seminar for students seeking initial certification. Consideration of principles and theories of teaching and learning and strategies to translate theory into personal classroom practice.

    Corequisite: EDEC 769A, 769B, and 769C

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEC 794 - Leadership, Advocacy, and Collaboration in Early Childhood Settings

    Credits: 3

    An overview of the purposes, organizational structure, sponsorship, funding sources, and advocacy for care and education programs and the characteristics, roles, and responsibilities of leaders in the field.


    EDEC 795 - Technology in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Strategies for integrating technology in early childhood education.

    Prerequisites: EDTE 631


    EDEC 797 - Seminar in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Synthesis of development, curriculum, cognition, and related issues in early childhood education.

    Prerequisites: degree candidacy in early childhood education and 21 graduate hours completed


    EDEC 810 - Special Topics in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Special and specific analyses of crucial issues in the field as they exist and emerge in the future. Provides an opportunity for students to do in-depth study of definitive areas of concern.


    EDEC 811 - Current Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of innovations in the field within a historical perspective.


    EDEC 812 - Advanced Internship in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3-6

    Supervised internship and related seminar participation in an approved setting.

    Prerequisites: Admission to doctoral program and consent of instructor


    EDEC 813 - Program Development and Implementation in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of and participation in the development of program content, policy, and advocacy.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 740, 742, 744, and admission to doctoral candidacy


    EDEC 814 - Analysis of Current Research in Early Childhood Education

    Credits: 3

    A critical evaluation of reported research in early childhood with special emphasis on recent and ongoing research programs.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 740, 742, 744, and admission to doctoral candidacy


    EDEC 815 - Advanced Study of Early Childhood Curricula

    Credits: 3

    An analysis of early childhood curriculum alternatives that focus on theoretical orientation, related research, societal needs, and the student’s philosophy of education.

    Prerequisites: EDEC 740, 742, 744, and admission to doctoral candidacy


    EDEC 890 - Independent Study

    Credits: 3


    EDEL 505P - Inquiry Practicum: The Elementary School

    Credits: 1

    Identifying and understanding the various components of the elementary environment through the practice of inquiry through field-based experiences.

    Corequisite: EDEL 505


    EDEL 506 - Integrated Curriculum in Elementary Schools

    Credits: 3

    Examining and practicing a variety of approaches that connect the content of different elementary school subjects.


    EDEL 506P - Inquiry Practicum: Roles of Elementary Teachers

    Credits: 1

    Identifying and understanding the roles of elementary teachers through the practice of inquiry through field-based experiences.

    Corequisite: EDEL 506


    EDEL 510 - Teaching Second Languages to Young Children

    Credits: 3

    To assist prospective teachers of young children in the development of a second language and multicultural learning activities. Practicum sessions are an integral part.

    Cross-listed Course: FORL 510

    Prerequisites: 201 level of a foreign language or its equivalent


    EDEL 515 - Science in the Elementary School

    Credits: 3

    Reinforces the science background of prospective and practicing elementary teachers. Innovations are examined. Emphasis is placed on methods, materials, community resources, and evaluation procedures.


    EDEL 544 - Modern Approaches to Mathematics Teaching

    Credits: 3

    Curriculum and pedagogy for mathematics topics taught in grades 3 through 8.


    EDEL 548 - Field Problems: Teaching Mathematics Using Manipulative Materials, Grades 4-6

    Credits: 3

    Instructional approaches and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics, grades 4-6. This course cannot be applied to a graduate degree in the elementary education program.


    EDEL 560 - Social Studies in the Elementary/Middle School

    Credits: 3

    Fundamentals of social studies education in the elementary/middle school.


    EDEL 642 - Teaching Mathematics to Young Children

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of a developmental approach to teaching children under the age of 9.


    EDEL 645 - Diagnostic Teaching of Arithmetic

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of the concepts and skills of arithmetic in the school mathematics curriculum; exploration of diagnostic-prescriptive teaching methods.


    EDEL 670 - Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle School

    Credits: 3

    Examine the content, goals, and methods of teaching language arts in elementary and middle school.


    EDEL 690 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1-3


    EDEL 709 - Curriculum and Instruction Practices Designed to Teach Content and Literacy Across the Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    An investigation of the beliefs and practices of high quality instructional methods and materials designed to teach elementary readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists and socials scientists. Individual content area instruction will be addressed was well as strategies for genuine integration across the curriculum. Special attention will be devoted to teaching diverse populations including English Language Users, in culturally

    responsive ways.


    EDEL 715 - The Elementary School Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    Critical study of the modern elementary school curriculum.


    EDEL 716 - The Elementary School Organization

    Credits: 3

    A course designed to examine the internal facets of the elementary school, including the library; health, guidance, and other pupil personnel services; curriculum revision; elementary school procedures; and pupil accounting.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 715


    EDEL 717 - Curriculum Problems in the Elementary School

    Credits: 3

    A careful examination of the persistent problems of elementary schools (grouping, promotions, etc.) and the best solutions in terms of research findings and expert opinion.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 715


    EDEL 720 - Middle School Organization and Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    An overview of the development of the middle school, history, purposes, and organization and an in-depth analysis of middle school organization and curriculum. The characteristics of middle school students, methods of evaluating students, and the overall curricular program are also considered.


    EDEL 743 - Studies and Internship I in Teaching Social Studies—Elementary

    Credits: 3

    The study and practice of social studies education for elementary students focusing on appropriate content, goals and methods.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the M.A.T. program


    EDEL 744 - Studies and Internship in Teaching Science—Elementary

    Credits: 3

    The study and practice of science education for elementary students focusing on appropriate content, goals and methods.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the M.A.T. program


    EDEL 745 - Teaching Elementary Problem Solving, Geometry, and Measurement Topics

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of the school curriculum and instructional methods in the designated areas of mathematics; exploration of appropriate outcomes on instruction.

    Prerequisites: MATH 221 or its equivalent


    EDEL 760 - Implementing Social Studies in the Elementary/Middle School

    Credits: 3

    The selection of teaching procedures and instructional materials used to teach social studies in the elementary/middle school.


    EDEL 771 - Teaching Writing in Elementary and Middle School

    Credits: 3

    Writing instruction in relation to the developmental characteristics of children through preadolescence.


    EDEL 780 - Seminar in Elementary Education

    Credits: 3

    Students will synthesize their graduate studies for a master’s degree in elementary education.

    Prerequisites: 24 semester hours of credit earned as specified on the master’s degree program of study


    EDEL 790A - Internship II: Elementary School Curriculum

    Credits: 4

    Internship for practice in classroom settings related to curriculum design and implementation, leading to initial certification.

    Corequisite: EDEL 790B, EDEL 790C, EDEL 791

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEL 790B - Internship II: Elementary School Instruction

    Credits: 4

    Internship for practice in classroom settings related to instruction, leading to initial certification.

    Corequisite: EDEL 790A, EDEL 790C, EDEL 791

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEL 790C - Internship II: Elementary School Professional Roles

    Credits: 4

    Internship for practice in classroom settings related to professional development, leading to initial certification.

    Corequisite: EDEL 790A, EDEL 790B, EDEL 791

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEL 791 - Elementary Internship Seminar

    Credits: 3

    Seminar for students seeking initial certification. Consideration of principles and theories of curriculum development and strategies to translate curriculum into personal classroom practice.

    Corequisite: EDEL 790A, 790B, 790C

    Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program and successful completion of first semester internship


    EDEL 815 - Models of Instruction

    Credits: 3

    Seminar on the relationship between different models of teaching and the cognitive, affective, social, and psychological outcomes of instruction.

    Prerequisites: master’s degree in education


    EDEL 840 - Advanced Study of Teaching Elementary School Mathematics

    Credits: 3

    Identification of instructional methods implied by recent research on mathematics teaching, learning, and curriculum.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 645 or EDEL 745


    EDEL 858 - Advanced Study of Science in Elementary/Middle School

    Credits: 3

    Study of curriculum models and instructional theory underlying elementary and/or middle school science programs.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 515 or equivalent


    EDEL 860 - Advanced Study of Social Studies in Elementary/Middle School

    Credits: 3

    Analysis and application of the concepts and skills that broaden the traditional scope of elementary/middle school social studies curriculum.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 560 or 760


    EDEL 870 - Advanced Study of Language Arts for the Elementary School

    Credits: 3

    Examination of programs, content, and methods of teaching writing, speaking, reading and listening to grades 1-8 in the light of current research and theory in language learning.

    Prerequisites: EDEL 670 or equivalent


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