2016-2017 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin (Archived Copy) [Archived Catalog]
Economics (College of Arts and Sciences)
Return to: Departments/Program Areas John H. McDermott, Chair
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- Overview
- Entrance Requirements
- Progression Requirements
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The Department of Economics offers majors in both the College of Arts and Sciences and Sciences and in the Moore School of Business .
Economics majors in the College of Arts and Sciences may earn the B.A. or B.S. degree by completing the 24-hour major requirement along with the college core, distribution requirements, and cultural-awareness and writing-emphasis requirements as described in the basic degree requirements in liberal arts.
Business economics majors in the Moore School of Business may opt for a 12-hour major or a 24-hour intensive major as described in the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. This major combines course work in economics with the business course work in management science, accounting, management, marketing, and finance, along with a general education core.
Students are encouraged to talk with an advisor in the economics department to gain further information about the differences between the B.A. and B.S. in economics in the College of Arts and Sciences and the business economics major in the Moore School of Business.
Entrance Requirements
Lower division. Freshmen and transfer students must meet all University and college admission requirements. Students transferring from other institutions or from other majors on the Columbia campus must meet all such requirements, have a GPA of 2.50 or better and have completed either MATH 122 or MATH 141 with a C or better. All students enter the lower division when the economics major is declared.
Progression Requirements
Lower division. Students in the lower division may not enroll in ECON 321 /ECON 322 or in courses for which these courses are prerequisite.
Upper division. Progression into the upper division requires the completion of ECON 221 and ECON 222 (or ECON 224 ) and MATH 122 or MATH 141 with a grade of C or better in each of these courses.
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