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2019-2020 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin 
  Sep 08, 2024
2019-2020 Undergraduate Studies Bulletin

Early Childhood Education, BA

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This program is designed for undergraduate students at the University of South Carolina who are interested in a career as an early childhood teacher, serving children birth through age 8.  Students who successfully complete the degree and licensure requirements and have a positive recommendation by the faculty will be recommended for teacher certification for prekindergarten through grade 3.

Learning Outcome

Students who graduate with a B.A. in Early Childhood Education should be able to …

  • Effectively measure candidate performance and program effectiveness using methods that align with the Specialized Professional Association (SPA) or College of Education standards. 

Major Map

A major map is a layout of required courses in a given program of study, including critical courses and suggested course sequences to ensure a clear path to graduation.

Major maps are only a suggested or recommended sequence of courses required in a program of study. Please contact your academic advisor for assistance in the application of specific coursework to a program of study and course selection and planning for upcoming semesters.

Early Childhood Education, BA      

Degree Requirements (122 hours)

See College of Education   for professional program admissions requirements, certification requirements, and other academic opportunities.

Program of Study

  1. Carolina Core (31-43 hours)
  2. College Requirements (0 hours)
  3. Program Requirements (18-21 hours)
  4. Major Requirements (70 hours)

1. Carolina Core (31-43 hours)

Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Written — CMW (6 hours)

Must be passed with a grade of C or higher​.

Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving — ARP (6-8 hours) 

Scientific Literacy — SCI (7-8 hours)

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language — GFL (0-6 hours)

Complete the Carolina Core approved courses in Foreign Language (GFL) or by achieving a score of 2 or better on a USC foreign language placement test.

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking — GHS (3 hours) 

Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences — GSS (3 hours) 

Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding —  AIU (3 hours)

Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component* — CMS (0-3 hours)

Information Literacy* —  INF (0-3 hours)

Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility* — VSR (0-3 hours)

*Carolina Core Stand Alone or Overlay Eligible Requirements — Overlay-approved courses offer students the option of meeting two Carolina Core components in a single course. A maximum of two overlays is allowed. The total Carolina Core credit hours must add up to a minimum of 31 hours. Some programs may have a higher number of minimum Carolina Core hours due to specified requirements.

2. College Requirements (0 hours)

No college-required courses for this program.

3. Program Requirements (18-21 hours)

Supporting Courses (18 hours)

Minor (0-18 hours) optional

A student may choose to complete a minor consisting of 18 credit hours of prescribed courses. The minor is intended to develop a coherent basic preparation in a second area of study. Courses applied toward general education requirements cannot be counted toward the minor. No course may satisfy both major and minor requirements. All minor courses must be passed with a grade of C or better.

Electives (0-3 hours) 

The number of elective hours required depends upon the number of hours used to fulfill other degree requirements.  Minimum degree requirements must equal 122 hours.

4. Major Requirements (70 hours)

A minimum grade of C is required in all major courses.

Education Core (14 hours):

Early Childhood Core (39 hours):

Practicum and Internship Experience (17 hours):

Note: A grade of B or better in either EDEC 342P or EDEC 443 is required to meet the dispositions requirement for admission to Internship II. Students making below a grade of B in both these courses are not eligible to progress. An action plan is required for students who make a grade of C or C+ in either EDEC 342P or EDEC 443.

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